Water Edge Real Estate Broker

  • Employees: 5 Agents
  • Licenses: RERA:872
  • Email: info@wateredge.ae

Personal Information

  • Service Areas:


  • Specialties:

    Commercial Leasing,  

    Commercial Sales,  

    Residential Leasing,  

    Residential Sales,  

  • Language:


  • HEAD OFFICE: 215, Al Asmawi Building, Umm Al Sheif Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai - UAE


Water Edge Real Estate Broker is a member of Al Shahra Group which has been established since 1972. The real estate is managed by a professional real estate team that leads the real estate division industry in UAE and International market. We at Water Edge Real Estate Broker would like to render our services to companies or individuals who are looking for accommodation. Our real estate team is handling different locations in Dubai and we offer services like, sales and marketing of new projects; residential and commercial leasing; sale and resale of prime properties and staff accommodation.