Vanguard Real Estate Brokers

  • Employees: 2 Agents
  • Licenses: RERA:756
  • Email:

Personal Information

  • Service Areas:


  • Specialties:

    Commercial Sales,  

    Residential Leasing,  

    Residential Sales,  

  • Language:


  • HEAD OFFICE: P.O Box 125581: Office# 804, The Metropolis Tower, Burj Khalifa Area, Dubai


Vanguard Real Estate Brokers is licensed by RERA, a firm providing customized solutions based on client-need analysis and unbiased view of the real estate industry. Vanguard’s intellectual capital offers 15 years of in-depth regional geo-political knowledge blended with 5 years of local real estate industry know-how. Vanguard provides/facilitates complete real estate solutions ranging from project identification to project sales, with a special focus on project brokerage and branding solutions, through its various strategic alliances, and well spread inter-broker network. In commercial and residential real estate projects. Vanguard’s clientele comprises mainly of end-users (local and international) and consortiums representing, group of investors, fund managers, and emerging developers,