Blue Acres Properties

  • Employees: 3 Agents
  • Licenses: License:CN- 4585855
  • Email:

Personal Information

  • Service Areas:

    Abu Dhabi,  

  • Specialties:

    Commercial Leasing,  

    Residential Leasing,  

  • Language:


  • HEAD OFFICE: Abu Dhabi, Al Fardous Tower, Salam Street, Office 25


Blue Acres Properties founded in 2022 is registered in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Our main objective is to deliver our services with the highest possible quality. We are the mediators between the tenants and the landlords. We assist the tenants in their quest to find the most suitable property in the shortest possible time. We support the landlords in their task to maximize the occupancy rate of their properties. Our services help both parties to save time. We, as mediators, keep all procedures involved as simple and straightforward as possible.