Average Income of Real Estate Agent in Dubai ""

Average Income of Real Estate Agent in Dubai, UAE in 2024

As Dubai becomes the most favourable destination for real estate investment, the real estate agent is a promising career in the city. When people across the world think about the income of real estate agent in Dubai, this blog will let you know how much an agent can earn.

Here we will reveal the average income of Dubai’s real estate agent for 2024. Even, we will discuss how the income distribution works including data points like bonus, experience, income amounts, percentiles and other factors.

What is the income of a real estate agent in Dubai?

Typically, Dubai’s real estate agent earns about 221,500 AED a year. But the average low income of the real estate agent is 108,300 AED to average high 349,000 AED. 

  • Average Annual Income- 221,500 AED
  • Average Monthly Income- 18,458 AED
  • Lowest Annual Income- 108,300 AED
  • Lowest Monthly Income- 9,025 AED
  • Highest Annual Income- 349,300 AED
  • Highest Monthly Income- 29,108 AED

These incomes of real estate agent in Dubai include transport and housing too. But it is naturally possible for the agent to earn less or more than the mentioned average income. The incomes of real estate agent greatly depend on skills, location and experience as well.

What is the distribution of earning for a real estate agent in Dubai?

Now, you know average income of real estate agent in Dubai, it’s time to check the income distribution.

  • Income ranges

The income of any real estate agent in Dubai can range from 108,300 AED to 349,000 AED. These minimum and maximum values help in calculating the income variability. So, employers can determine how much to pay to the employees. Even, employees can determine how much they will earn. 

  • Median income

Median income of any Dubai’s real estate agent is 228,500 AED. It is the middle value for income distribution and it means 50% of population get more than 228,500 AED and rest of population get less than 228,500 AED.

If an agent earns more than 228,500 AED then the income is quite good. In case, you belong to less than the median income then find out the way to increase the income. You can ask for a rise or look for a better paying job as well.

  • Percentiles

It is identical of median but rather than considering middle value it considers bottom and top half of income distribution. Around 25% of real estate agent in Dubai earns below 152,100 AED while 75% of agents get income higher than 152,100 AED.

Similarly, 75% of agents get income below 294,700 AED and 25% of agents get higher than 294,700 AED. In this case 75th and 25th percentile earning help in determining in which quartile an agent belongs. Accordingly, they can figure out if payment is well or not in contrast to location and profession.

Income of real estate agent in Dubai by their experience

Once you are in a particular profession, income will be determined depending on the experience. As more experience a person has as high the income will get.

Here, we mention a list of income of Dubai’s real estate agent based on experience. Have a look at the list.

  • 0-2 years of experience- The agent with less than or 2 years of experience can earn up to 128,500 AED.
  • 2-5 years of experience- If the agent has 2-5 years of experiencethen the average income will be 168,100 AED.
  • 5-10 years of experience- When the agents have experience of 5-10 years their average income will be 228,000 AED.
  • 10-15 years of experience- Once the agent gains more than 10 years of experience the income can increase up to 282,500 AED.
  • 15-20 years of experience- After being in the profession and industry for about 15 years the income will increase to 305,600 AED.
  • 20+ years of experience- Serving this industry for long 20 years can increase the income of a real estate agent to 325,600 AED.


Income of real estate agent in Dubai by their education

Apart from job experience, educational qualification has an integral role to play how much to earn as a real estate agent in Dubai! Some high paying job roles deem a high educational level but can degree really make a difference? Let’s find out!

Income or your monthly income is somehow proportional to your education. Moreover, career path you choose and location also impact the income you earn.

Here we mention average income of real estate agent in Dubai depending on the education of employees. Let’s see the difference education makes in income.

  • High School- The real estate agents in Dubai with high school degree can get income of 168,100 AED
  • Diploma or Certificate- If any real estate agents in Dubai hold diploma or certificate then they can earn up to 239,000 AED
  • Bachelor’s Degree- Any Dubai-based real estate agent with bachelor’s degree can get income of 327,000 AED.

Average pay raise of real estate agent in Dubai

In almost every country, employees get annual pay raise in terms of income increase for rewarding their service towards a company or organisation. The average pay raise for Dubai-based real estate agent is 11% at an interval of 17 months. On the other hand, the average national pay raise of the country for other jobs is only 8%.

Incentive and bonus rates of real estate agent in Dubai

There is another overall compensation a real estate agent in Dubai receives. This compensation comes as bonus and in this kind of job roles the bonus rate is comparatively higher.

Generally, any jobs that involve generation of direct revenue will get high bonus depending on performance for revenue goals. So, real estate agent is high-bonus job and almost 80% agents claim to receive one bonus in a year. There are only a few percentages of agents who claimed not to receive any bonus in a single year.

Earning of other professions in Dubai similar to real estate agent

In the given table, we mention income information of other jobs in Dubai much similar to real estate agent. Have a look at the table.

Job Title



Acquisition Associate

Real Estate

197,600 AED

Assistant Leasing Manager

Real Estate

253,400 AED

Assistant Property Manager

Real Estate

267,100 AED


Real Estate

195,200 AED

Brokerage Clerk

Real Estate

93,340 AED

Commercial Leasing Manager

Real Estate

426,700 AED

Commercial Real Estate Manager

Real Estate

420,100 AED

Community Development Manager

Real Estate

378,300 AED

Compliance Specialist

Real Estate

196,800 AED

Development Coordinator

Real Estate

200,000 AED

Director of Real Estate

Real Estate

448,500 AED

Lease Administrator

Real Estate

243,000 AED

Leasing Agent

Real Estate

197,600 AED

Leasing Consultant

Real Estate

233,900 AED

Leasing Manager

Real Estate

283,400 AED

Lettings Assistant

Real Estate

93,660 AED

Portfolio Analyst

Real Estate

351,900 AED

Portfolio Manager

Real Estate

499,300 AED

Property Acquisition Agent

Real Estate

172,400 AED

Property and Claims Specialist

Real Estate

246,500 AED

Property Manager

Real Estate

308,900 AED

Property Operations Manager

Real Estate

417,200 AED

Property Tax Assistant

Real Estate

204,000 AED

Real Estate Administrator

Real Estate

214,000 AED

Real Estate Analyst

Real Estate

268,900 AED

Real Estate Appraiser

Real Estate

209,700 AED

Real Estate Appraiser

Real Estate

214,000 AED

Real Estate Appraiser

Real Estate

221,500 AED

Real Estate Assistant

Real Estate

197,600 AED

Real Estate Association Manager

Real Estate

277,400 AED

Real Estate Broker

Real Estate

187,500 AED

Real Estate General Manager

Real Estate

406,300 AED

Real Estate Project Director

Real Estate

392,300 AED

Real Estate Project Manager

Real Estate

365,400 AED

Real Estate Sales Agent

Real Estate

215,100 AED

Real Estate Valuer

Real Estate

222,300 AED

Research Analyst

Real Estate

180,300 AED

Residential Advisor

Real Estate

231,000 AED

Residential Property Manager

Real Estate

288,700 AED

Shopping Center Manager

Real Estate

455,400 AED

Town Planner

Real Estate

424,300 AED



It is clear that Dubai offers exciting and attractive income opportunity to the real estate agents. With so many upcoming projects and a wide array of services including property management, property assessment, rental management and others the income of the agents differ to a great extent.

Whether you want to make an investment or need professional advice and any other kind of real estate services, an agent can offer the best help. Find real estate agents in Dubai from here and choose the one that meet your requirements.